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Topic 1: Sight Fishing - Years ago anglers could be competitive without sight fishing, but today if you want to have a chance to win in the spring you'd better be looking at them. Half of the battle is just finding them, but even once you've located a willing bass on a bed there are key approaches and techniques that will allow you to maximize your time, and Scott Suggs knows the tricks of the trade.

Topic 2: Wake Baits - Half topwater, half crankbait, wake baits are a misunderstood lure niche among many weekend anglers. Scott Suggs has used them effectively on his home waters in Arkansas and around the country, and he can explain which ones work best and when to employ them. This special seminar shouldn't be missed if you've been wondering about where and why wake baits produce larger-than-average fish.

Scott Suggs' Gear
