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Topic 1: Power Shotting - True to his California roots, Jared Lintner has no fear of light line and finesse techniques, but those same techniques can be adjusted for larger and more aggressive fish in heavy cover. There's no reason to put down the dropshot when brawn is required, but it requires an adjustment of attitude, tackle and approach. Lintner has taken this technique from coast to coast and cashed checks with it just about everywhere.

Topic 2: Lipless Cranking West Coast Style - A lipless crankbait is dynamite anywhere bass swim, especially in the pre-spawn, but savvy anglers keep them in the rod locker just about year-round. The days of just "chunking and winding" are over, though. Now there are specialized techniques for specific situations, and while many of them were developed with western fisheries in mind, that doesn't mean they won't work on your home waters, too.

Jared Lintner 's Gear


  • Utilizing a number of exclusive manufacturing techniques and premium components, the Ritual Angling Graphite Composite Casting Rods provide top of the line performance and a carefully refined blend of strength and sensitivity. 
