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In-Depth with Cody Meyer on Early Spring Time Tactics

Discussing one of the most fruitful times to be out on the water, Tackle Warehouse Pro Staffer Cody Meyer goes over the baits that he relies on the most during the pre-spawn months. Whether you're looking for numbers or a new personal best, Cody discusses a range of lures that will achieve both goals, including the Strike King Thunder Cricket Jigs, Stike King KVD HC Square Bill Silent Crankbait, and a Strike King KVD Perfect Plastic Ocho. Going in depth on all of the aspects of his approach, from his favorite Daiwa Rods and Reels to line, Cody offers some key insight to the pre-spawn phase. Make sure to keep it locked in to the Tackle Warehouse VLOG page to get more exclusive content, firsthand angler insight, and the best products at the best prices.